Practice Areas

Tabletop Exercises

Shawn is here to help you prepare for crisis and incidents.

Shawn understands that effective crisis management requires preparation and practice. He provides comprehensive tabletop exercise services to help you prepare for potential crises and improve your incident response capabilities. Here’s what he offers:
Crisis Tabletop Exercises: Shawn works with you to design and conduct a tabletop exercise to simulate a crisis event. We help you identify potential risks and develop strategies to mitigate those risks. His tabletop exercises include scenario-based simulations that test your crisis management plan and identify areas for improvement.
Incident Response Tabletop Exercises: Shawn helps you design and conduct an incident response tabletop exercise to test your incident response plan. His exercises simulate various incident scenarios, including data breaches, cybersecurity attacks, and other types of incidents. He will help you identify gaps in your incident response plan and develop strategies to improve your incident response capabilities.
Training and Testing: Shawn provides training and testing services to help you and your team prepare for potential crises and incidents. Shawn conducts tabletop exercises and simulations to help you test your crisis management and incident response plans and identify areas for improvement. Shawn provides feedback and guidance on best practices for crisis management and incident response.
Shawn’s crisis and incident response tabletop exercises services provide you with the necessary preparation and practice to effectively manage potential crises and incidents. With Shawn’s extensive experience in dealing with complex crisis management and incident response issues, you can be confident that your business is in good hands.
Contact Shawn today to learn more about how our crisis and incident response tabletop exercises services can help your business prepare for potential crises and improve your incident response capabilities.

Crisis Management services provided through Resolution Insight Group Corp. 

Legal services provided through Henri & Wolf Inc. 

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